Sunday, September 12, 2010

ALLAHABAD BANK tender for construction of a new building at Ground floor for Kalpi Branch at Allahabad Bank’s premises, Kalpi Road, (Dist. Jalaun,Uttar Pradesh).

Sealed tenders on item rate basis are invited from pre qualified contractors for proposed construction of a new building at Ground floor for Kalpi Branch  at Allahabad Bank’s premises, Kalpi Road, (Dist. Jalaun,Uttar Pradesh). The scope of work includes civil, sanitary, plumbing , electrical & site development works of   branch building.
Tender document may be purchased from and tender may be submitted to the office of      Deputy General Manager, Allahabad Bank, Zonal Office, 113/58,First Floor, Swaroop Nagar,Kanpur by paying Rs.500.00 (Rupees five hundred only) in the form of crossed demand draft/ Banker’s Cheque favouring Allahabad Bank, payable at. Kanpur as per following programme.

Issue of Tender Documents
Time- Monday to Friday
From 09.09.2010  to 23.09.2010 (Except holidays)

From 10 am to 5 pm
From 10 am to 2 pm
Earnest money
Rs.31, 000.00 (Rupees thirty one thousand only) by crossed demand draft/ Banker’s Cheque favouring ALLAHABAD BANK.  payable at Kanpur
Time of Completion

12 (Twelve) calendar months from the date of commencement including rainy season.
Pre-bid conference at Bank’s Zonal Office at Kanpur for clarification, discussion   etc.
 At 14.30 hrs on 20.09.2010
Submission of Tenders

Before 15.00 hrs. on 23.09.2010
Opening of Part I (TD) of tender

At 15.30 hrs on 23.09.2010
Opening of Part II (PS) of tender

At 16.00 hrs on 23.09.2010 or decided subsequently.
VAT, Service Tax, or any other tax on materials or on finished works like, works contract tax, turnover tax etc. as applicable in respect of this contract shall be borne by the contractor and the bank will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. TDS for income tax, work contract tax etc. shall be deducted as applicable from all bills / payments made in connection with this work.
The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.